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After running speedyitunes

Download accelerator
Download files up to 300% faster. Cut down more than half of the download time of Flash videos, movies, songs etc.It accelerates not only streaming on YouTube/Hulu/MySpace/Fox/Google and other streaming sites, but also normal file(iso, rar, exe...) downloading.
Speed youTube, Speed rapidshare, Speed iTunes...
Online music download
Tune on the record button and browse the web as you usually do. SpeedyiTunes automatically record online mp3 while listening. Supported sites: MySpace, Facebook, Hi5, Bebo, Playlist...It's the easiest way to get tons of free and legal music. The limitation is just your hard disk.
Online songs download, Online mp3 download...
Online flash download
FLV Downloader. SpeedyiTunes automatically record flash while viewing.- YouTube download, Hulu/MySpace/Fox/Google video free download...
Video convert
SpeedyiTunes is also a video converter.1-Click to download and convert YouTube/FLV video to iPod/iPhone/PSP/MP3 and add it automatically to your iTunes library.
Easy to use
Just Download, Install, Run. Your downloads will be accelerated automatically. Nothing more!1-Click video converte, MP3 record and iTunes import.
100% free of viruses, spyware, adware any kind of malware.SpeedyiTunes is the easiest solution to get entertainment media free, fast & legal.
Warning: There's an issue between SpeedyiTunes and Nod32 2.7 because they use the same network technology. Latest Nod32 3.0 and ESS don't have this problem.

OS: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Win 7(beta)
Browser: IE, FireFox, Opera, Maxthon, Mozilla, Netscape, Flock, AOL, Google Chrome, iTunes(Premium)