Update Logs
1.Improve performance of download, speeded iTunes accelerator of pxl,movieŁ¬mp3 and so on2.Upgrades video convert feature, now you can convert flv to android and ipad.
3.Increased support for saving mp4 video.
4.Upgread user interface, with this new user interface you will be enjoyed it.
5.We provid tools, you can fix windows's LSP when software occurr exception..
6.Added some more useful feature, with this new feature to help you use it.
7.Fixed bug of can not regist.
8.Change the registration key algorithm.

OS: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Win 7(beta)
Browser: IE, FireFox, Opera, Maxthon, Mozilla, Netscape, Flock, AOL, Google Chrome, iTunes(Premium)